Protect our Apprenticeship and Training Programs

Protect our Apprenticeship and Training Programs

We have been watching closely as the Trump Administration has moved forward in developing Industry Recognized Apprenticeship Programs (IRAPs). The IRAP proposal is designed to expand the Apprenticeship model to new and emerging industries, and industries that have not been successful using the Registered Apprenticeship system.

On June 25th, the U.S. Department of Labor posted a proposed rule on IRAPs in the federal register. The public has been given 60 days to submit comments on the proposal. Those comments will be considered before the rule goes final.

We urge all BAC members to submit comments on the proposal. The primary issue to comment on is the exclusion of the construction industry from the IRAP system. It is critically important that this exclusion is included in the final rule. You might want to include your own personal story on how important the Registered Apprenticeship system has been to you.

Please submit your comments about this request on this page by filling out the online form below. You can also submit your comments by mail to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Attn: OMB Desk Officer for DOL-ETA, Office of Management and Budget, Room 10235, 725 17th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20503.