To answer your question faster when contacting the International Pension Fund, please use the email addresses below, separated by topic: IPFPensionapplicantinfo@ipfweb.org
+ File a pension application
+ Updates to the status of applications that have been filed
+ Provide information/documentation that is required to complete the processing of the application PensionEstimate@ipfweb.org
+ Request a formal estimate of IPF retirement benefits
+ Request a list of hours reported on their behalf by participating employers
+ Request an application for retirement
+ Pre-retirement death/survivor benefits inquiries
+ Any pre-retirement inquiries PensionPayroll@ipfweb.org
+ Request pension verification or award letter
+ Request or submit a direct deposit form
+ Report the death of a pensioner
+ Request a copy of a 1099-R form or T-4A form (Canada)
+ Inquire regarding the option chosen at retirement and benefit amount
To contact the BACSave International Retirement Savings Plan (Annuity) or 401k Plan email RSPwithdrawal applicantinfo@ipfweb.org
+ Request an application for withdrawal
+ File an application for withdrawal
+ Provide information to complete the application process
You can also contact the International Pension Fund office via the toll-free number at 1-888-880-8222.