BAC Journal > BAC Announces 2023 US and Canadian Bates Scholarship Recipients

BAC Announces 2023 US and Canadian Bates Scholarship Recipients

2024 Issue 1

Six deserving students will receive financial assistance to continue their education thanks to the 2023 US and Canadian Bates Scholarship programs.

Each year BAC awards three US Bates scholarships to graduating seniors whose parents or stepparents are BAC members in the United States. The stipends are $5,000 per year for up to four consecutive years. Complete information and the application form for the 2024 US Bates scholarship will be available in the Education & Training section of, or by texting BATES to 50607. The US program will begin accepting applications on January 31 and the deadline is April 11.

Each year BAC awards three Canadian Bates scholarships to graduating seniors whose parents or stepparents are BAC members in Canada. The stipends range from $2,000 to $3,000 (CN) per year, for up to four consecutive years. Complete information and the application form for the 2024 Canadian Bates scholarship will also be available in the Education & Training section of The Canadian program will begin accepting applications on January 24 and the deadline is May 15.



Attending: University of Cincinnati – Main Campus

Major: Neuroscience

Family/IU Info: Daryl Lange, BAC Local 23 OH/WV/KY/MD

What does this recognition and the union mean to you?

I am very grateful for this scholarship and the acknowledgement it gives me for my accomplishments. This scholarship will give me the opportunity to further my education and become successful in my future career. The union helped my dad provide for our family as a bricklayer for over 20 years.

What advice would you offer your peers and younger students?

Stay focused on what you want in life and work hard to be your definition of successful.

What’s the best piece of advice you have ever received?

To work hard, have a good work ethic and strive for what you want — and to not let anyone tell you what you are and are not capable of doing.

Who would you like to give a shout-out to?

My dad, Daryl Lange. He has inspired me to work hard so that I can be successful and be able to support myself as well as my future family.


Attending: Kings College

Major: Medical Studies, minor in Biology (Accelerated Physician Assistant Program)

Family/IU Info: Tomasz Polkowski, BAC Local 1 CT

What does this recognition and the union mean to you?

With both my parents working tough jobs and me having a strong desire to succeed in the medical field, money is a huge factor when considering the future. This recognition is a blessing and I greatly appreciate the financial support offered to me by BAC. To me, the union means support. It holds strong core values, which in turn help my dad succeed and support our family.

What advice would you offer your peers and younger students?

To smile and be grateful for friends and family as well as schoolteachers and administration. I would also encourage getting involved with as many different extracurricular activities as possible.

What’s the best piece of advice you have ever received?

To “be nice.” It seems simple, but since I was little, every morning before school, my parents would remind me to be nice as sort of a token to be grateful for what you have and to enjoy the day.

Who would you like to give a shout-out to?

My dad who has shown me that family and hard work is so important. He helped me grow into the successful person I am today. Without him I don’t believe I would have the spark that makes me strong.


Attending: Purdue University Main Campus

Major: Chemical Engineering

Family/IU Info: Ralph Refeld III, BAC Local 4 IN/KY

What does this recognition and the union mean to you?

This recognition means that I can have one less thing to stress about, and a greater opportunity to reach a higher potential.

The union is like a comfy little bench at the end of a long hike. It’s nice to rest easy knowing that my dad will be protected by the BAC, and not taken advantage of while he’s at work helping to provide for our family. The union gave me that extra little push that allowed me to attend my dream school. We are all very lucky and grateful to be a part of a union that prioritizes and values education.

What advice would you offer your peers and younger students?

Take things at your own pace. I had to listen to myself to know when I needed a break either mentally or physically, and allow myself time for fun. In hindsight, nothing worth doing is ever easy. Just try not to lose yourself in the process, and know your limits. Remember to take care of yourself first because you only give your best when you are at your best.

What’s the best piece of advice you have ever received?

In the song “Ms. Jackson,” Outkast wrote, “You can plan a pretty picnic, but you can’t predict the weather.” I try to live my life by this. It reminds me that there will always be something out of my control that I can’t fix. I can either let it consume me or find a way around it and grow from it.

Who would you like to give a shout-out to?

I’d like to give a shout-out to my friends for listening to me rant and making me laugh so hard I spit milk out of my nose, my parents for keeping me on the right track, my sister for keeping me humble and being my irreplaceable best friend, my grandparents for showing me how to make the best out of any situation and bake delicious blueberry muffins, my cross country coach for teaching me how to grit my teeth and persevere, my karate teachers for teaching me resilience, and my 4-H leader for showing me how fulfilling it can be to serve your community.



Attending: University of Calgary

Major: Engineering

Family/IU Info: Trevor Dollimount, BAC Local 1 AB

What does this recognition and the union mean to you?

This recognition shows me that the union truly does support families in achieving their goals. By extending scholarships such as this one, it demonstrates the family-oriented values that BAC holds, as is essential in all labour unions.

What advice would you offer your peers and younger students?

Always find a balance in life. Work hard to achieve your goals, but don’t neglect your happiness in the pursuit.

What’s the best piece of advice you have ever received?

Pursue what makes you happy and surround yourself with positive people. The people you surround yourself with are a reflection of who you are.

Who would you like to give a shout-out to?

I would like to give a shout-out to my parents, Daphne and Trevor Dollimount, for always supporting me in whatever I choose to do.


Attending: University of Windsor

Major: Mechanical Engineering

Family/IU Info: Hugh Hanley, BAC Local 6 ON

What does this recognition and the union mean to you?

I am very grateful for this recognition because it has reassured me that my hard work has not gone unnoticed. My family and I greatly appreciate this generous scholarship as it will help pay for my education. The union is very important to my family because as a member, the union’s constant support enables my father to create many meaningful opportunities for us.

What advice would you offer your peers and younger students?

Set goals and never give up on them. It is also important to embrace challenges, as this is what stimulates progress and growth. Surround yourself with individuals who believe in you. I have an amazing support system that motivates me, and this has been crucial to my personal development and success.

What’s the best piece of advice you have ever received?

To always stay true to myself. This advice has allowed me to grow as an individual, while developing valuable qualities such as integrity, diligence, responsibility, confidence, and kindness. Overall, this piece of advice has been invaluable to me and to my accomplishments.

Who would you like to give a shout-out to?

My parents, who constantly provide me with their unwavering love, support, and guidance. They have unselfishly made many sacrifices to give me a great life and a promising future. My parents have always encouraged me to work hard, do my best and never give up on my dreams, which has been imperative to my success. I would also like to give a shout-out to my grandfather, Bernie Hanley, a longtime member of Local 1 Nova Scotia.


Attending: Nova Scotia Community College

Major: Practical Nursing

Family/IU Info: Trevor Dearman, BAC Local 1 NS

What does this recognition and the union mean to you and your family?

I am so grateful to be awarded this scholarship. This past summer I changed my mind on what I wanted to do for a career and decided that I really want to be a nurse. It took a lot of work by doing some summer courses, but I finally got word that I was accepted in the Practical Nursing program at NSCC. The award will help pay for tuition costs.

What advice would you offer your peers and younger students?

My advice to my peers would be to never give up and to work hard for what you want.

What’s the best piece of advice you have ever received?

My mom always tells me to be true to myself.

Who would you like to give a shout-out to?

My Dad has always been a hard worker and has passed that on to me so my shout out goes to him. He’s my number one fan and is always challenging me to be the best I can be.