Department of Education Officials Visit BAC/ IMI International Training Center to Learn More About BAC Training
Quality apprenticeship programs are critical to America’s engine of growth. That’s why several officials from the Department of Education, led by Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education Assistant Secretary Amy Loyd and Deputy Assistant Secretary Luke Rhine, visited the John J. Flynn BAC/ IMI International Training Center in March — to learn about how gold-standard apprenticeship programs are developing the skilled construction workforce that builds the nation.

After a tour of the International Training Center — complete with plenty of hands-on demonstrations — the visiting officials spoke at length with BAC, IMI, and IMTEF leaders about the value of registered apprenticeship and how to promote apprenticeships as a viable and equal alternative to higher education through college, the opportunities BAC members and contractors create for lifelong learning, and how union training and employment is a pathway to the middle class, especially for underserved communities. The group also discussed the importance of BAC’s work on school buildings and the vital role BAC craftworkers play in constructing safe, healthy, and inspiring learning environments.

“This is one of several visits to our International Training Center by high-level Biden-Harris Administration officials and is just another demonstration of the Administration’s strong support for unions and union apprenticeship programs. We welcome these visits and look forward to working with the Department of Education to promote union apprenticeships throughout the country, and to promote the use of sustainable masonry and tile in American schools,” said BAC President Tim Driscoll.

“We enjoyed touring the BAC/ IMI International Training Center and learning about the union’s training programs and initiatives. We look forward to partnering with BAC as they work to promote apprenticeships on jobsites. Thanks to BAC and IMI for hosting us,” remarked Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education Deputy Assistant Secretary Luke Rhine.