ICP Graduates Prepare to Carry on the Craft to the Next Generation of BAC
This past fall, 12 trowel trades instructors graduated from IMI/IMTEF’s Instructor Certification Program (ICP), demonstrating their commitment to delivering the best training in the business to BAC craftworkers.
The program prepares instructors to effectively teach BAC’s crafts to apprentices and journey workers alike, empowering them to have fulfilling, lifelong careers in the unionized masonry and tile industries.

“Your commitment and diligence in carrying on the craft to new generations is inspiring to all of us,” said Caryn Halifax, IMI/ IMTEF President, during a ceremony honoring the graduates.
In ICP, instructors learn how to effectively develop and deliver curriculum so they can inspire and encourage BAC members to succeed.
“As certified instructors, we spearhead training initiatives, contribute to curriculum, and provide world-class instruction,” said David Adams, ADC 1 of IL. “We bear an extraordinary responsibility to mold, shape, and empower BAC members.”
Anthony DiPerna, IMTEF National Director of Apprenticeship and Training, echoed that sentiment in his congratulatory remarks. “Training is the lifeblood of the BAC. As instructors, you are on the front lines teaching and mentoring the next generation.”
ICP graduates take that duty seriously. Many reflected on the importance of mentoring in their roles. “The impact I’m able to have as a mentor is one of the reasons I love instructing and engaging with our members, and especially our apprentices,” said Justin Summerfield, Local 3 NY. “Being a mentor is more than just trying to pass on the skills of our trade that someone once passed along to you. It’s also about passing along knowledge and life lessons outside of work. The impact of mentoring is what keeps ICP, IMI, and our union going for past and future generations.”
Becoming a certified instructor is a professional accomplishment to take pride in. “ICP has truly allowed me to grow professionally,” said Luke Jecker, Local 4 IN/ KY. “I feel a great deal of pride in what I was able to accomplish. I consider it an honor to graduate from this program.”