BAC Journal > IUBAC Endorses American Dream and Promise Act of 2019

IUBAC Endorses American Dream and Promise Act of 2019

2019 Issue 1

OnTPS infographics March 12th, the U.S. House Representatives introduced the American Dream and Promise Act of 2019 (H.R. 6) with 203 original sponsors. The bill would provide 300,000 Temporary Protected Status (TPS) holders, nearly 700,000 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients, as well as another 1.6 million eligible Dreamers brought to America as children, with protection from deportation and an opportunity to obtain permanent legal status in the United States if they meet certain requirements.


BAC wholeheartedly supports the Dream and Promise Act (H.R. 6), which will create a permanent pathway to citizenship for TPS and DACA holders – and in so doing will empower tens of thousands of our coworkers, friends, and neighbors to live without the fear of deportation, continue building our communities, and finally, officially, call the U.S. home.


TPS Holders 1 TPS holders 2


TPS and DACA holders are an important part of the U.S. workforce and an essential part of communities across the nation. They work in every industry – construction, hospitality, food service, childcare, and more. In our industry of construction, Latinx craftworkers comprise over 30% of the workforce, and TPS and DACA holders represent a significant percentage of that group.


The labor movement has long held as a central tenet that an injury to one is an injury to all. Ending TPS and DACA would be economically irresponsible and devastating for the construction industry. Beyond that, it would be needlessly cruel. The United States, the world’s beacon of liberty, simply should not be deporting valued members of our communities. This great nation of immigrants deserves better than that. Together, united behind the Dream and Promise Act, we can prevent chaos and cruelty, and secure a stable and bright future – not only for Dreamers and TPS holders, but for our entire country.


IUBAC urges the Congress to move forward on the American Dream and Promise Act to provide a path to permanent residency for TPS holders and Dreamers.