Julie Su a Worthy Successor for Department of Labor Secretary Marty Walsh
In early 2023, dedicated unionist and Secretary of the Department of Labor Marty Walsh left his position to be the Executive Director of the National Hockey League Players Association (NHLPA). In March, President Biden nominated the Department’s Deputy Secretary, Julie Su, to succeed him; a strong choice to continue the Department’s focus on empowering and protecting American workers.

Su has proven herself in California and in Washington, DC to be a fierce ally for working people. When serving as California’s Labor Secretary, she fought against misclassification of workers and wage theft. Policies that she put in place had an immediate impact on construction workers across the state.
Su is not afraid to use all avenues in the law to crack down on corporate greed and worker exploitation.
Since coming to the federal stage, Su continues to prove she is the right person for the job, taking a key role with the Department’s Good Jobs Initiative. “Deputy Secretary Su will aptly fill the vacancy left by Secretary Marty Walsh. Her dedication to working families, and the labor movement, is clear,” said BAC President Tim Driscoll. “We call on the Senate to swiftly confirm her in this new role and look forward to working with her in the future.”