BAC Journal > Local 5 Pennsylvania Hosts Retiree Breakfast

Local 5 Pennsylvania Hosts Retiree Breakfast

2013 Issue 1

Local 5 PA Harrisburg Chapter hosted a retiree breakfast last fall. Attendees in the first row from left, Istvan Palotai, John Fetterhoff, and Merlin Hoch; second row from left, Bill Hoch, Jim Bixler, Don McCrone, Paul Peters, Wayne Stoner, and Jim Kramer; third row from left, Clair Koppenhaver, Harold Herman, Gene Lyter, Dean Jones, Joe Wida, George Bittinger, and Carl Pletz; back row from left, Dick Schaar, Andy Peters, Bruce McCrone, Gene Smith, Jack Stoll, Lamar Reitz, and Paul Keener. Not pictured, Local 5 President Lester Kauffman.