Once logged in as an officer, you will be able to view and download documents on Notices and Summary Plan Description and all LOEPF forms.
Once logged in as an officer, you will be able to view and download documents and forms on financial administrative procedures, including Sample Local Union Anti-discrimination and Anti-harassment Policy, Guide for Electing Union Officers, IUBAC Travel Expense Reimbursement Form, Bank Reconciliation, Local Union - Accounting Policy and Process for Cash Receipts and Payroll, Local Union Expense Policy, Local Union Accounting Policy and Procedures, Local Union Accounting Policy and Dues Process, and Records Retention.
Once logged in as an officer, you will be able to view and download documents and forms pertaining to national glass tank agreement.
You can find information on national refractory agreement in the officers logged in section. Once logged in, you will be able to view and download documents and forms pertaining to national refractory agreement.
Once logged in as an officer, you will be able to see organizing resources, national refractory agreement, national glass tank agreement, administrative procedures, LOEPF materials, and Chalkline newsletters.
BAC officers can find many organizing resources on our website simply by logging into your website account. Once logged in, you will be able to see organizing materials, including bargaining for organizers, creating an organizing plan, sample flyers, brochures and letters.